Want to influence what happens in Saddleworth over the next 20 years? Have your say at the Civic Hall on 14th May!

1st of May, 2024


We’re thrilled to announce that the draft of the Saddleworth Neighbourhood Plan is now ready for public consultation. The purpose is to shape what happens in the Saddleworth over the next twenty years, giving people the power to develop a vision for their neighbourhood, offering great opportunities for people to live, work and play here.

If you’d like to be part of Saddleworth’s future, you are invited to come along to a Public Meeting at 7pm on 14th May at Saddleworth Civic Hall where we will be presenting the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

60 full copies of the draft Plan and 12,000 copies of the Consultation document are currently being delivered to local residents, businesses and organisations. The deadline for responses is midnight on June 10th.

The Plan, which will be reviewed every five years, is the result of consultation with residents, businesses and local organisations. At its heart is Sustainability: ensuring a carefully balanced progress that takes into account the legacy of any actions on future generations and recognising that local actions can have wider impacts (e.g. climate change). Plus, while benefiting from our vital economic, social and environmental links with Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire, that Saddleworth never becomes simply a dormitory area for these conurbations.

You can find out more about the Saddleworth Neighbourhood Plan at https://www.saddleworthparishcouncil.org.uk/neighbourhood-plan/ You can also find out more about Neighbourhood Plans in general at https://neighbourhoodplanning.org